Fleur de La Vie

My heart



這是一款別緻、不一樣的選擇! ♥️送給十全十美的她(10支玫瑰); 心型花盒備白色或鏡面銀色選擇。配有花袋,方便攜帶。 🔸請在備註寫上你的選擇的花盒顏色。 🔸此產品須即日2天前預訂。 🔴請注意:會員級別優惠價不適用於情人節、母親節、平安夜、聖誕節及元旦日。 This is a chic and different choice! ♥️The heart-shaped flower box is available in white or mirror silver. Comes with a flower bag for easy portability. 🔸 Please write the color of the flower box you choose in the remarks. 請注意:因應季節、收割、批發市場供應等因素,未必每種花材都每天有貨供應;如果相片中的襯花及葉材在製造花束當天沒有貨到,花藝師便會以同樣美麗、質量和價格的以替代之,但主花不會改變(例如 : 玫瑰花, 屈金香、繡球花...)。 有任何問題歡迎Whatsapp查詢再下單。 Due to factors such as seasons, harvesting, wholesale market supply, etc., not every flower material is available every day; if the lining flowers and leaves in the photo are not available on the day the bouquet is made, the florist will use some with similar colors, quality and price to replace them. But the main flower will not be changed (for example: rose, tulips, hydrangea...). If you have any questions, please Whatsapp to us before placing your order. Thank you.

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