Fleur de La Vie

Top Grade Roses Bouquet (from 36 to 108+)



我們提供大型、超大型南美玫瑰花束(顏色可自選)。 🔴Enquries詳情請WhatsApp 67690202向花藝師咨詢。 Price range for different quantity: 36支 $1680(最少2 天前預訂) 50支 $2380 (最少5 天前預訂) 99支 $3880(99至108支或以上,請最少7天前預訂) 101支 108支 或其他自選支數 🔴請注意:會員級別優惠價不適用於情人節、母親節、平安夜、聖誕節及元旦日。 We offer large and extra large rose bouquets (colors of your choice). The picture in centre shows a bouquet of 99 roses from South America. For details, please WhatsApp 67690202 Consultanting with the Florist. 36 (pre-order at least 2 days in advance) 50 (pre-order at least 5 days in advance) 99 (99 to 108 or more, please pre-order at least 7 days in advance) 101 stems 108 stems or more 🔴 Please note: Discounted rates for each membership level are not valid on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. 請注意:因應季節、收割、批發市場供應等因素,未必每種花材都每天有貨供應;如果相片中的襯花及葉材在製造花束當天沒有貨到,花藝師便會用相近顏色及形態的適當花材取代。 但主花不會改變(例如 : 玫瑰花, 屈金香、繡球花...)。 有任何問題歡迎Whatsapp查詢再下單。 Due to factors such as seasons, harvesting, wholesale market supply, etc., not every flower material is available every day; if the lining flowers and leaves in the photo are not available on the day the bouquet is made, the florist will use other similar colors and shapes replacing it/them. But the main flower will not be changed (for example: rose, tulips, hydrangea...). If you have any questions, please Whatsapp to us before placing your order. Thank you.
