Beranda/Kebijakan Pengembalian & Pengembalian Dana
(注意:付款後無法取消訂單,因為付款後,我們的花店將為您準備所有材料。我們將不為所準備的相關材料的浪費負責, 敬請諒解。
You cannot cancel your order because our florist will prepare all the materials for you after payment. We will not be responsible for the waste of related materials prepared, appreciate your understanding.
請注意:所有要求即日訂即取或送的訂單,必須於早上10:00am前完成支付,我們才能準備所需的花材,否則未能達成你的急單, 敬請見諒。如果任何疑問,請WhatsApp 或致電我們先確認。
🔴For all orders that require same-day pick-up or delivery, payment must be completed before 10:00am in the morning, so that we can prepare the required flowers, otherwise your urgent order cannot be fulfilled, appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please WhatsApp or call us at 67690202 to confirm.